NEWBERRY — While South Carolina is on orders for schools to remain closed, Newberry Academy has taken this opportunity to introduce new programs.

On March 30, 2K-5K classes went live with Google Classroom, through G Suite for Education. Using Google Classroom, these students have the opportunity to experience a range of educational activities that will help keep them engaged with their school family.

Google Classroom for 2K-5K classes features enrichment activities and lessons designed just for them, by the teachers who know them. They start the day sharing a devotional with Kindergarten Director Sharon Senn, followed by exercising alongside Coach Scott Gardner. Candace Walters then reads them a book; they practice singing a Spanish song with Evelin Klingelsmith and play a music game with Belinda Pruett.

On Fridays, it is “join-the-fun” party time with classmates. Students continue to receive their distance learning packets, which include learning materials, resources, and support from their class teacher to meet their educational needs.

“It is Newberry Academy’s goal that this fantastic addition to our kindergarten program will help support our youngest students’ needs for emotional and social interaction with their teachers and classmates. We miss our students dearly and are anxiously awaiting their return to school, ” said Head of School Nicole May. “When we decided to become a qualified G Suite for Education School this year, we thought it would be a useful tool to supplement our regular teaching and learning. We are so thankful that this was already in place so that our students and teachers were confident and prepared to start virtual learning, with only a couple of day’s notice.”

Newberry Academy’s first through 12th grade students have been using Google Classroom since the start of the 2019-2020 school year.

This allowed for a quick transition into online distance learning the week the state announced school closures. Students have been able to use this platform to watch video lessons taught by their teachers, stream live classes with their classmates, and engage in creative activities and lessons.

“Our teachers recognize how important it is to continue to interact with our students personally and to support their individual needs,” May said.

If you have any questions about Newberry Academy or any of their new programs, contact May at

Brooklyn DeWitt, a sixth grader at Newberry Academy, is working on her nutrition project. DeWitt, a sixth grader at Newberry Academy, is working on her nutrition project. Courtesy photo

Maverick Temples, a 5K student at the Academy, is enjoying his art instruction on “Take it Easy Tuesday.” Temples, a 5K student at the Academy, is enjoying his art instruction on “Take it Easy Tuesday.” Courtesy photo

Connor Chapman, a 4K student at Newberry Academy, is gardening on “Move it Outside Monday.” Chapman, a 4K student at Newberry Academy, is gardening on “Move it Outside Monday.” Courtesy photo

Grace Mayer, a fifth grade student at the Academy, is completing schoolwork on “Wacky Socks Wednesday.” Mayer, a fifth grade student at the Academy, is completing schoolwork on “Wacky Socks Wednesday.” Courtesy photo

Hank Shealy, a third grade student at Newberry Academy, is working hard on a Friday. Shealy, a third grade student at Newberry Academy, is working hard on a Friday. Courtesy photo

Katie Tomljenovic-Sadler for The Newberry Observer