Daniel Greenwell accepts his FFA Honorary State Degree in Greenville on June 7.
                                 Courtes of PTC

Daniel Greenwell accepts his FFA Honorary State Degree in Greenville on June 7.

Courtes of PTC

NEWBERRY COUNTY — At its annual state convention on June 7, the S.C. Future Farmers of America (FFA) presented its highest administrator, teacher or community member award — the FFA Honorary State Degree — to Piedmont Technical College (PTC) Horticulture and Agriculture Department Head Daniel Greenwell. Greenwell was among 17 individual FFA state members recognized with the honor at a gala ceremony in Greenville.

“I did not even know this award existed, so it would be accurate to say that I was quite surprised by this,” Greenwell said.

Ever humble, the horticulture instructor added: “I view this as more of a program achievement than I do a personal accomplishment, because I owe much of any success I may have to those around me.”

Farmers, school administrators, agricultural educators, chapter advisors, and others who help advance agricultural education and the FFA by rendering outstanding service are eligible for the honor. They are elected to honorary membership by a majority vote of members.

“Daniel’s genuine enthusiasm inside and outside of the classroom is infectious. Our students see his devotion to growing plants for food as well as for landscapes and become even more engaged with their course objectives,” said Christina Knight, dean of engineering and industrial technology at PTC. “They adore him because he is always giving them hands-on activities with plenty of first-person stories from his own experiences in the field. I am very happy for Daniel, as he is most deserving of this honor.”