Newberry Observer

PTC Foundation Honors Scholarship recipients

Alyssa Flynn Courtesy of PTC

NEWBERRY COUNTY — Every spring, Piedmont Technical College (PTC) recognizes and celebrates students who have been awarded one of more than 85 scholarships available from the PTC Foundation. As a cautionary measure, the college conducted its scholarship recognition ceremony online over its “PTC Live” social media channels on April 1.

“In practical terms, a scholarship is simply a fiscal tool to help students pay for college. But what does a scholarship actually mean?” PTC President Dr. Hope E. Rivers said in her taped introduction, “A scholarship award is validation. A scholarship award says that its benefactors have faith in you. They believe you will succeed, and you are worthy of their investment in your education. You got this.”

Alyssa Flynn, an associate degree nursing student and Strom Thurmond Scholar from Newberry, exuded confidence in her remarks as one of three scholarship recipients featured on the video. After graduation, she hopes to work as a trauma nurse while pursuing a bachelor’s degree.

“Since starting the nursing program, I have been able to work in a hands-on clinical setting. These opportunities have helped me gain essential tools needed for the health care field, and they have also helped me to understand that I have chosen the correct career path,” she said. “Not only has this scholarship been financially meaningful but emotionally as well because it has helped strengthen my belief in myself.”

“Every single day, our generous benefactors are making a difference,” said Fran Wiley, associate vice president for development at the Piedmont Technical College Foundation. “On behalf of the PTC Foundation Board and the entire college community, I want to thank our donors for making our scholarship program possible.”

Jason Martin, of Batesburg, a Derrick Scholar majoring in mechatronics technology, is strongly motivated to succeed in college as an example to his three daughters.

“I have taught my three daughters that, regardless of where you come from, every person on the planet has a particular genius that is personal to them,” he said. “College is one of the best ways to explore what that might be and also learn the skills you need to advance yourself into a career that is utilizing that genius. I believe that every person should go to college, and particularly a technical college, so that they can develop those skill sets and learn what they might be successful at later on in life.”

Merry Lu Han, who received the PTC Foundation Scholarship, is majoring in adult echocardiography. She would like to continue her studies, earn a bachelor’s degree, and perhaps one day teach college students like herself.

“I think my compassion and dedication to others are helping me to succeed in college. Working here as a student in the Cardiovascular Technology Program is helping me to achieve my goals and dreams,” she said. “Receiving this scholarship allowed me to have some financial relief and focus more on my studies. I am greatly appreciative of the financial support that the college has given me.”

“The best advice I can give someone considering attending school is to stop making excuses and just do it.” Flynn said in conclusion. “Celebrate the small achievements, set goals, and always believe in yourself.”

To view the video and complete list of scholarship recipients, please visit